Eyelid Surgery - a Look at the Recovery Process

Blepharoplasty is a highly beneficial surgery and since the eyes are such a prominent feature of the face, the procedure can significantly improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence.

As with any type of surgery, blepharoplasty requires a recovery period and it's important to understand what your recovery will entail in order to fully prepare for the procedure and feel less stress about what's to come.

The Day after Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a day surgery and won't require a hospital stay unless you would prefer to spend some time under the care of doctors.

Following the surgery performed by your plastic surgeon, you will experience some swelling and redness around your incisions. Your eyes may also feel quite dry or tear excessively but your surgeon will help you sooth any irritation.

As you can imagine, your vision will be affected directly after your surgery but it will quickly return to normal so this shouldn't be a concern.

Two Weeks after Blepharoplasty

As you progress through your recovery, any side effects will start to subside. Your skin will start feeling less tight and any soreness will gradually dissipate too. Your surgeon will more than likely provide you with an ointment to use during your recovery.

Since the eye area will still be relatively swollen during the first two weeks, you may need to use a cold compress to bring this down. It also helps to keep your head as elevated as possible, particularly while sleeping.

For the first two weeks, it's important not to strain your eyes by watching TV or reading for prolonged periods of time.

Your stitches will be removed after about 10 days, after which you will feel more comfortable about going out in public and back to work.

Three Weeks after Blepharoplasty
Even though your eyes will look and feel much better from week 3, it will still be important to protect them. Sunglasses should be worn every time you leave the house to protect your eyes from excessive sunlight and debris. You will still notice that your eyes fatigue quite easily, which is why it will be important to keep resting them as often as you can until they are fully recovered.

It is also best to stick to gentle exercise routines until your eyelids have healed to avoid placing unnecessary pressure and strain on the area. Crying can also place a lot of pressure on your eyelids so try to avoid this if you can.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Expectations
Before you pursue eyelid surgery, remember that it will take several weeks for your eye area to return to normal again. This means that you will need to do some planning in terms of taking time off work, making sure your home is prepared for your recovery and enlisting family and friends to assist you where they can. Taking the time to recover properly and slowly will ensure you see the results you are hoping for.

Article provided by formandface.com.au - top plastic surgeon in Bondi Junction

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