7 Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask About Tattoo Removals

If the tattoo you once thought was a good idea is starting to bug you, you've probably been looking into removal options such as laser.

As with any type of cosmetic procedure, you want to make sure that you have the information you need to make an informed decision. Having all the details also ensures that you can set realistic expectations.

Laser Tattoo Removal: 7 Questions and Answers

1. How much should I budget for the removal?

Unfortunately, removing your tattoo is going to cost you more than what you paid to get it but if you really don't like your tattoo, the expense is well worth it. There's no way to tell how much your tattoo removal will cost until you've consulted with a doctor at a professional cosmetic clinic.There are a number of different factors that will play a role in how long it will take for your tattoo to completely disappear, including size, location and the depth of the ink.

2. When canI expect my tattoo to be completely gone?

This is dependent on your body's ability to get rid of the ink, so there's no way to provide an exact estimate of how long the removal will take. If you are planning to get rid of your tattoo for a big event such as your wedding, the farther in advance you can start the removal process, the better. You will only know how your skin reacts to the procedure after your first treatment. Some patients only need a few months to get rid of their tattoo while others need treatments for over a year.

3. Does laser tattoo removal hurt?

For most patients, the removal process hurts about as much as it did when the tattoo was applied. If you can handle the feeling of a rubber band repeatedly snapping against your skin for several minutes, you can handle a laser tattoo removal session. You can find out more about what to expect during your session here: 4. Will laser removal scar my skin?

Certain lasers are less likely to cause scarring than others. If your clinician follows the proper laser protocols and you care for your skin after every treatment, you can greatly reduce your chances of developing a scar. What many people don't realise is that any scarring that is left behind once their tattoo has been removed is actually the result of the original tattooing process.

5. Can I get a cover-up tattoo after laser?

Many patients still love the idea of a tattoo, just not the tattoo they have. Laser treatments can be used to lighten your original tattoo so that a cover-up piece can be applied over it, however, it's incredibly important to give the skin enough time to heal properly before pursuing a cover-up.

6. Does laser tattoo removal cause any side effects?

Following your tattoo removal session, you can expect some redness, swelling and bruising. There is also a chance of blistering and hyperpigmentation but this generally only occurs if the treatment isn't carried out correctly. This speaks to the importance of choosing the right cosmetic clinic for your procedure?

7. How does a laser remove a tattoo?

The pulses of light that are emitted by the laser are absorbed by the ink particles in your skin, which instantly shatters them. These fragmented pieces of ink are then naturally removed by your body's immune system.

Article kindly provided by clinicalase.com

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